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Based on 542 reviews
Hollol hapus

Diolch o galon am eich gwasanaeth

Amser egwyl

Cwpan ffantastig i amser egwyl yn fy nosbarth Cymraeg

Gorgeous coaster!

So pretty. A perfect gift.


Perffaith I gyfeillion adeg Nadolig gyda neges a chynllun perffaith.

Welcome to Welsh
Clifford Maude
Welcome to Welsh, book.

Brilliant for anyone learning Cymraeg. Easy to follow and fantastic when used with the CD.

Well researched and informative.

Good read.

Very interesting read.

Newydd - Celt
O’dd Cd Celt yn bendigedig

O’dd Cd Celt yn bendigeedig! Mae’r Siop Cwlwm yn siop bendigedig!
Diolch yn fowr!

Welcome to Welsh CD

Da iawn, helps a lot with pronunciation. Works very well with the Welcome to Welsh book.

Card very good quality, speedy delivery, what more could you ask for.

Love card 'Caru Ti'

Great service

Glass Mug - Cariad

Great service

Dyddiadur Poced y Lolfa 2025
Dyddiadur Poced 2025

O’dd yr eitem yma sef Dyddiadur Poced yn bendigedig!
Diolch yn fowr

Quality jar, well wrapped and delivered early.

Mwynhad pur!

Nofel gynnes ac anghysysurus ar yr un pryd. Nofel i'w darllen fwy nac unwaith i werthfawrogi'r holl haenau sydd ynddi. A chefais bleser pur o wneud!
Dwi'n siwr y trof ati eto, dro ar ol tro yn y dyfodol. Diolch Eurgain Haf!

Beautifully written

Linens and Rooks was for me a wonderful read that had me eager to turn the pages to find out what happened next. With each chapter, the pace picks up. By the time I reached the halfway point in the book I couldn’t put it down. The exquisite deliverance of the English Language was a joy to behold on every page. Sharon Tyers use of descriptive imagery was second to none. The telling three women’s stories was cleverly done. I particularly liked the use of using a different font for Martha, Florrie and the narrator/writer as it helped to quickly place the reader in the right time frame. That said, on the question of time the lives intertwined effortlessly, and the author was able to give each woman a strong voice through the present day protagonist. Voices which may otherwise have gone unheard. And what of our present day protagonist? Well, I felt she had felt unsupported at times, unheard even but gained strength through bringing the women that had lived in her house before her to life. She was able to draw on the similarity between Martha’s Rebecca and her Isabel. By giving them a voice, she was at last finding her own voice. They may not have had their voices heard when they were alive, but their voices would now be heard through the corridors of time. Finding Martha’s blue book was instrumental in bringing their stories to life.
Overall, I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in British social history; anyone who has a passion for the English language and to see how things should be written and to anyone who has the courage to read about the tragic circumstances in which some women/people lived in the past. It may be a tragic tale but along with the violence, the poverty, the domestic abuse and inequality, there runs through the story the themes of love, friendship and courage in the face of adversity. There is also magic that weaves its way through the linen fabric of this beautifully descriptive tale. The author’s grandmother was Florrie and including her own grandmother reminded me of the significance we should place on our narratives of origin not for the sake of nostalgia but to learn about how our forebears lived and what their lives were like. So, yes, I highly recommend this book which gave me an insight into the lives of some truly remarkable women and men. It receives a well deserved five stars from me. Full review can be seen at

Rhaglen Eisteddfod Genedlaethol

Cynnwys y rhaglen a’r manylion yn wych - gymaint o ddiddordeb I ddarllen ynddo ond rhaid immi ddweud Dwi ddim yn hoff o faint y rhaglen, mae o rhy anhylaw, llawer gwell gennyf y maint A5. Dwi yn gwybod ei fod ar gael yn ddigifol ond dwi yn hoff o gael y rhaglen Babur yn fy mag tra yn mynd o gwmpas y Maes, gwasanaeth gwych gan Siop Cwlwm

Excellent learners resource.

Very useful.

Welsh on the Wall
Melanie Maycroft
Excellent learners resource.

Excellent quality. Extremely useful.

Good read for an adult learner of Welsh.

Mae r llyfr yn dda iawn.

Very quirky

Great little book. Will be given to a niece who loves her dog and wants to begin learning basic Irish. Many thanks for prompt & efficient delivery.

O’dd yn arbennig iawn!